The Learning Sessions

Book With Us Today!

Become a leader of the
Digital Wellness Movement.

Gain the knowledge and skills to develop healthy, empowered relationships with smartphones, social media, and yourself.

The Digital Wellness team is excited to offer dynamic learning sessions that are flexible to both your schedule and your learning! Schedule a session and learn from a personalized curriculum directly from Annie or one of the Digital Wellness team members.

We are eager to share the critical components of our curriculum with youth (ages 12-18) in both group and one-on-one settings at a time and location of your choosing. We can cater the education and reflective practices within our curriculum to suit your interests, habits, and preferences. Organizations such as local sports teams, student clubs, and youth groups are all encouraged to reach out.

Schedule a no-cost 30 min informational meeting to learn more about the learning sessions and how we might make it work for you!


The Details


12-18 y.o, parents, educators, and business organizations


Now until August 31, 2023


Boulder, Denver, or remote!


Individual or group settings

We are grateful for financial support from the University of Colorado Office of Outreach and Engagement and Forward Together. Because of their generous funding, we offer sessions on a pay-what-you-can basis.


Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Recognize how social media positively and negatively impacts your emotions and mental health 

  • Learn the cognitive science and psychology behind the addictive design of these platforms (spoiler: social media companies do NOT care about you!)

  • Reflect on their own experiences with social media (time spent, joys, costs)

  • Create friendships and build community focused on socially and emotionally intelligent use of social media

  • Cultivate practices (mindfulness and embodiment) for attentional control and emotional resilience

  • Become leaders of the digital wellness movement!

 To learn more about the curriculum and impact, please visit the Summer Program page.

 Schedule a no-cost 30 min. informational meeting with Annie to learn more about the Digital Wellness team and how we might benefit your organization or youth!

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions via email to

A big thank you to our partners and investors!

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
University of Colorado Boulder