
All for you.


Social Media & Mental Health

Social media is an evolutionary TRAP!

Trap music is great, doom scrolling sucks.

Learn more about how to clean up your digital habits and get your brain on straight.

Adolescent Digital Wellness


Forward Together: Teen Self-Esteem & Social Media Webinar

Digital Wellness Resources


We are social primates. In our evolutionary history, belonging to a group meant the difference between access to food and sex, or dying as a starving virgin.

Comment threads, re-tweets, and social media prey on this primal need for social belonging, fueling out-group animosity, and leaving us full of virtual ego-validation without the psychological benefits of physical connection.


Addictive Design & Attention Economy

The attention economy is trying to screw us over.

It’s real bad.

It’s designed to addict us. You know, dopamine and slot machines and stuff.

Evolution of Empathy & Prosocial Behavior 

The thing is… I love you.


Ethical Design of Social Systems

What are we extracting? Love? Sex? Money? Human connection and emotion? 

“Move Fast and Break Things.” -Facebook

Maybe if what you’re breaking is the fabric of society, you should slow dooooowwwwwn.

Nervous System Regulation


Panic. You should definitely panic.

Look at the news. It’s so bad. Everything is so bad.

Have you ever tried deep breathing? With your eyes closed?

Try it. You’ll like it. 

Resources Coming Soon



What a beautifully written buzz word… ~mindfulness~.

Maybe mindfulness is over-hyped.

I, too, used to think meditation was a thing for pretentious people in white linen shirts to brag about.

Then I tried it…

Now I teach it.